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ALBANIA: Journalists Who Investigated Toxic Waste Win Press Awards in Albania

Posted on October 4, 2024

Six journalists were handed awards at the EU Investigative Journalism Awards on Thursday for outstanding stories published in Albania last year.

Courtesy of BIRN [website:]

di Emanuele G. - giovedì 14 novembre 2024 - 397 letture

Stories about toxic waste, a controversial incinerator project, and challenges faced by the Balkan farmers were among the winning reports.

Anesti Barjamemaj, Vladimir Karaj, Oli Xama, Geri Emiri, Aida Ciro and Aleksandar Dimitrievski were announced as winners at the annual awards held at Europe House in Tirana.

The first prize went to Anesti Barjamemaj and Vladimir Karaj from and Voice of America for their investigation into environmental crime at the Sharra landfill, exposing toxic waste discharges into the Erzen river.

The second prize was handed to Ola Xama, also from, for a story that uncovered the role of the mayor of Tirana in the controversial Tirana incinerator project.

The third place went to Geri Emiri, Aida Ciro, and Aleksandar Dimitrievski from for their work highlighting the challenges faced by Balkan farmers in accessing EU funds.

The jury consisted of Ilda Londo from the Albanian Media Institute, Albana Kasapi, a senior journalist and editor at the BBC’s World Service Radio and Elira Canga, a media development expert.

To read original news, please click HERE

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