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La nostra corrispondente dalla Bulgaria Anna Georgieva presenta il progetto di Elena Dascalova giovane architetto bulgaro

di Emanuele G. - giovedì 11 febbraio 2010 - 1747 letture

Elena Dascalova, nata nel 1984, ha presentato per il pubblico di Sofia il suo progetto - già premiato con il diploma onorario dall’Unione degli Architetti Bulgari - in occasione di una mostra organizzata dalla Società Astronomica.

La Società Astronomica di Sofia esiste da più di 15 anni con un club e due edizioni particolarmente popolari fra i giovani: la rivista “Andromeda” e il giornale “Telescopio”.

Il giovane architetto bulgaro si è laureato presso l’Università di Architettura, Ingegneria Civile e Geodesia qui a Sofia. Lei si è specializzato anche in Danimarca grazie al programma Erasmus.

Il suo progetto è stato premiato sia in un concorso in occasione di Interarch - Triennale di Architettura - a Sofia che con il diploma speciale di “Thaliesian fellows-alumni of the Franc Lloyd Wright school”.

Parlando con giovani che stavano visitando la mostra ho capito che tutti a Sofia sono molto soddisfatti se fosse costruito davvero il planetario.

La Società Astronomica ha utilizzato la mosta per presentare una petizione al Comune di Sofia con la richiesta di avviarne i lavori nel più breve tempo possibile. La petizone è stata firmata da tutti i visitatori. Però sono molto pessimisti al riguardo...

Elena Dascalova è stata cosi gentile da fornire per i lettori di Giro di Vite/Centro Studi Est Europa le immagini e gli obiettivi del suo progetto.

Il testo che segue è redatto in inglese.

Objectives of the Project

The year of 2009 is officially proclaimed as “Year of Astronomy”! A good reason to think about the weak points of Bulgarian capital in that area and that is the fact its citizens don’t have Planetarium- a place where one can be a part of amazing and unforgettable simulated tour in space! Moreover, it concerns the necessity of scientific and educational center in here in Sofia that is to be an entertainment center of a new kind, such as the one in Valencia, Spain made by Santiago Calatrava and the Rose Center for Earth and Space in New York.

The Astronomy Center of Sofia would be of great matter concerning the cultural tourism, cultural development as a whole and the need of astronomical education which is now going downward. Bulgarian science had great traditions in Astronomy and was an undoubted leader in Eastern Europe in that area one-two decades ago. An evidence for this is the presence of Planetariums and Observatories in several Bulgarian towns, and especially the National Observatory, whish is the biggest one on the Balkan peninsula.

* LOCATION - The location of such type of a building is of great importance. On one hand, it should be situated in a crowded and communicative place, but on the other - it should be placed in natural peaceful surroundings as well. The Astronomy Center is placed in the central zone of South Park in Sofia, next to the building of Mall “City Center Sofia” which is one of the hot spots in the capital. In this way the placement fulfills the requirements and guarantees a good amount of visitors in the Planetarium (meaning that both visitors of the Park and the Mall could attend the Astro-center).

* EQUIPMENT AND ATRACTIONS - The prototypes for the Center are the most popular, modern and outstanding world-wide examples (as the ones mentioned above). They were explicitly researched and the project is meant to use the most contemporary methods of exposing the science of astronomy(to audience) -such as experimental installations; holograms; 4D-motion-simulator (simulator of realistic cosmic tour); multi-media astronomy exhibitions; audio and video-supported expos; mediateca .Along with these, some traditional components of the Planetarium are also included-such as astronomy library, cinema-hall and lectures’ rooms for the ones interested in astronomy.

* SPATIAL COMPOSITION & VISION - It’s quite obvious the building stands on the border between high-intensive urban area and Park. So that its appearance has a sharply contrasting look in comparison with the surrounding buildings on one hand, and on the other- it tries to compensate the Park for the destroyed greenery by setting up green pedestrian ramps (green accessible roofs).

As a result of detailed designing process and thorough analyses, the Astronomy Center of Sofia got its attractive and memorable appearance- due to its harmony with the surrounding environment and the organization of the functional structure inside. The exterior form reminds of a shape of spiral galaxy that swings round itself from above the ground, so that it seems as if the ground of the park turns round itself and ,at same time, the building is in relief shape and part of the park landscape.

The connection between the main road (in front of the building) and the building itself is a wide-range welcoming zone, called ‘Astronomy Ground’ because of the devices arranged there. These installations are special astronomy utilities for presenting physics and astronomy phenomenon (such as solar clock; armiliar sphere; platform for telescope). The Ground is also a orientation sign for what happens inside!

Inside the spacious foyer the visitor would find himself involved in a kind of a cosmic element which follows the path left by comet. As if the funnel-like space makes him move up and forward in orbit-like spiral ramp that leads to the next (second) floor. There he could find another roomy space (separated in several expositions) and the above-mentioned 4D-cosmis-simualtor.Involved in this cosmos-like atmosphere, the visitor could proceed to the main and most attractive part of the building-its “heart”- The Star-Hall! The way to it is a glass-covered passage (above the ground level) and the passing through it reminds the feeling as if you get over gravitation. Right before the entrance there’s one more foyer (again expositions supplied) which has special function. It is semi-dark and semi-lightened so that it’s a buffer for observers’ eyes as they need adaptation (to darken space inside the Hall) before the show starts. This kind of buffer-space is a necessary component for Planetarium buildings. The ergonomic-like seats inside the Planetarium Theatre are placed on an inclined platform. The projection machine is UNIVERSARIUM M IX TD (Carl Zeiss) and is installed in the very geometric center of the Planetarium’ sphere.

That’s so far the consistence of the building in general.

Per saperne di più:

- E-mail di Elena Dascalova:

- Link per La Società Astronomica di Sofia

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