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UKRAINE: Ukrainian Army in the Face of Russia’s Full-Scale Aggression

Hybrid Warfare Analytical Group 14.02.2022, 15:32

Courtesy of Ukrainian Crisis Media Center [website:]

di Emanuele G. - lunedì 14 febbraio 2022 - 2663 letture

The modern Ukrainian army is not what it used to be at the start of Russian armed aggression in the east. With unique long-term combat experience against the Russian hybrid forces and aided by unprecedented Western military support, Ukraine’s Armed Forces are prepared for multiple escalation scenarios. That is why Russia continuously attempts to denigrate the Ukrainian military and portray it as “weak”, especially in the current active stage of hybrid aggression. In our new explainer, we look at the facts that challenge the Russian disinformation narratives about the Ukrainian Armed Forces:

- the number of personnel the Ukrainian troops amount to;

- the most recent reforms aimed at improving Ukraine’s defense capability;

- the consolidated Western assistance Ukraine continues to receive in the face of Russia’s full-scale aggression.

Link to the original article: Ukrainian Army in the Face of Russia’s Full-Scale Aggression

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