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UKRAINE: Focus on war in Ukraine

Various sources

di Emanuele G. - lunedì 8 agosto 2022 - 6552 letture


REP. CECA: Be brave like Ukraine. La realtà che irrompe dallo schermo

Andreas Pieralli

Ago 8

A Praga l’esposizione di 5 mezzi militari russi catturati in Ucraina fa discutere. Leggi il resto dell’articolo.



Varioius stories


Various stories


A guard at the Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine on 4 August 2022. Credit: Alexander Ermochenko via CTK/Reuters.

8 August 2022


What happened: Ukrainian authorities are calling for international peacekeepers to create a demilitarized zone around the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant after multiple attacks over the weekend damaged part of the complex, CNBC reports. The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency warned of a potential nuclear disaster, while UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called the offensive “suicidal” and urged that international inspectors be given access to the site, according to Euronews. The source of the shelling is so far unknown, and Russia and Ukraine are blaming each other for the attack.

Related: The Russian tactic of carpet-bombing Ukrainian cities has greatly diminished due to Kyiv’s effective use of recently acquired missile systems to attack the Russian army’s ammunition depots and command units, DW reports. Russia’s war in Ukraine is entering a new phase as most fighting moves to the front stretching southwest from the Zaporizhzhia region to Kherson, according to an assessment by British military intelligence issued on Saturday,Reuters reports.

Worth noting: Ukrainian partisans are having an effect in Russian-occupied areas like Kherson, according to Reutersand the ISW. An official of the Russian administration in the region was shot and killed on Friday; Russian news outlet RT reported the same day that the head of the administration was placed in a medically induced coma amid allegations that he was poisoned, though officials there later denied the reports and insisted he is only sick and “resting.” The resistance movement in Kherson is even publishing its own underground newspaper, Euromaidan Press reports. An explosion hit the Russian-controlled police station in the eastern city of Berdyansk on Saturday, and the Ukrainian Resistance Center issued an announcement the same day that “collaborationism is bad for your health,” writes the ISW.


Eastern Europe and Russia

• The head of the Ukraine branch of Amnesty International quit in protest over the weekend amid the ongoing controversy over the organization’s report last week accusing Kyiv of endangering its own civilians and violating international law by placing armed forces and weapons in residential areas during the fight against the Russian invasion, Politico reports. An editorial in The Times on Friday charged that the London-based organization “has determinedly … set about shredding its credibility by serving as a megaphone for the propaganda of the Putin regime.” Amnesty released a statement of regret yesterday for “the distress and anger” caused by its Ukraine report, but added “we fully stand by our findings.” Central Europe and the Baltics

• Roma refugees from Ukraine are facing a pattern of racist discrimination by governments across Central and Eastern Europle, according to an in-depth CNN analysis. Reporting from the Czech Republic, Romania, and Moldova, along with assessments from human rights groups in Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary, show Roma refugees are routinely accused of not being Ukrainian; are segregated in low quality accommodation; are given misleading information about their rights; and experience official rejection for issues that are easily solved for non-Roma refugees.

Southeastern Europe

• Payment in rubles for Russian gas, and the acceptance of Russian Mir payment cards for purchases in Turkey, are among the known agreements to come from the secretive meeting between Vladimir Putin and Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the Russian Black Sea resort of Sochi on Saturday, bne Intellinews reports. The attendance at the meeting by Ramzan Kadyrov, the Chechen leader who has sent armed forces to the conflicts in both Syria and Ukraine, suggests that the discussions went beyond economics, Intellinews notes.


Ucraina: 1000 pazienti ucraini trasferiti negli ospedali europei

Fino ad oggi l’UE ha coordinato con successo 1000 evacuazioni mediche di pazienti ucraini grazie al meccanismo unionale di protezione civile, fornendo loro l’assistenza sanitaria specializzata di ospedali di tutta Europa.

Di fronte all’aumento quotidiano di feriti in Ucraina, gli ospedali locali hanno difficoltà a tenere il passo con la domanda. Allo stesso tempo Polonia, Moldova e Slovacchia hanno chiesto sostegno per operazioni di evacuazione medica (MEDEVAC) dai rispettivi paesi, dato il grande afflusso di feriti.

Per alleviare la pressione sugli ospedali locali, dall’11 marzo l’UE coordina i trasferimenti di pazienti verso altri paesi europei che dispongono di capacità ospedaliera.

Sono stati trasferiti pazienti in 18 paesi: Germania, Francia, Irlanda, Italia, Danimarca, Svezia, Romania, Lussemburgo, Belgio, Spagna, Portogallo, Paesi Bassi, Austria, Norvegia, Lituania, Finlandia, Polonia e Repubblica ceca.

Con operazioni recenti sono stati trasferiti 2 pazienti in Repubblica ceca il 3 agosto e 15 in Germania, e ancora 4 pazienti nei Paesi Bassi e 2 in Norvegia il 4 agosto.


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