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POLAND: PiS wins election, opposition has majority in Sejm

October 16, 2023

Courtesy of The Warsave Voice [website:]

di Emanuele G. - lunedì 16 ottobre 2023 - 875 letture

According to an exit poll conducted by the Ipsos studio, the parliamentary elections were won by the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) with 36.8% second place went to the opposition Civic Coalition (KO), which won 31.6%.

The following were ranked: Third Way [a coalition of the agrarian opposition Polish Peoples’ Party (PSL) and political newcomer Poland 2050] with 13% support, the New Left, which was voted for by 8.6% voters, and the radical-nationalist Confederation, with 6.2%.

The Civic Coalition, Third Way and New Left together have 248 seats. The absolute majority in parliament is 231 seats.

Poles elected 460 deputies and 100 senators on October 15. A nationwide referendum was also held concurrently with the elections, but due to a turnout of unofficially about 40% it will likely be invalid. Eligible to vote were 28,638,798 Poles, who cast ballots at 29,922 regional election commissions in the country and 417 election commissions abroad. According to an exit poll, the turnout in the elections was 73%, being a record in the entire history of elections in Poland after the political breakthrough of 1989.

In the 2019 parliamentary elections, PiS won the most votes - 43.59%. In second place was the K) with 27.4%. Third was the Democratic Left Alliance [SLD] (now the New Left) with 12.56% support. In fourth place was the PSL which was supported by 8.55%. voters. The Confederation also entered the Sejm with support of 6.81%.

To read the original news, please click HERE

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