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Workshops held by Dr. Amit Goswami in South America

Enlightenment, Quantum Activism and Teachers Training Course

di Emanuele G. - lunedì 20 marzo 2017 - 6230 letture

March 24 – 27, 2017

Workshop on Quantum Physics’ Guide to Enlightenment

Buenos Aires, Argentina

In this workshop, quantum physicist Amit Goswami uses recent advances in our understanding of quantum physics and consciousness to elucidate the nature of spiritual enlightenment and guide people to pursue enlightened living. According to Goswami, all objects of our experience begin as quantum possibilities for consciousness to choose from. The question of enlightened living is then one of how best to make our choices. It involves the creative process which Goswami explains and teaches.

Through both intellectual and experiential sessions, Goswami leads participants through a series of exercises in how one makes creative choices that culminate in one’s transformation. Participants will come away with a clear notion of how to overcome the barriers to creative choice, how to align themselves with the evolutionary movement of consciousness, and how to arrive at enlightened states of consciousness.

For inquiries about tariff and registration, please write to:, or call 54 (11) 4775-2172.

March 29 – April 2, 2017

Workshop: Introduction to Quantum Activism

Sao Roque, Brazil

This transformative course, offered by quantum physicist Amit Goswami, a pioneer in the study of science within spirituality, will present the concept of Quantum Activism, a different form of activism, which seeks to develop in both individuals and society a new worldview based upon the principles of quantum physics.

During four days of intense instruction amidst the rustic beauty of Sao Roque, Brazil, the participant will develop a deep understanding of quantum principles and learn how to practically apply them in his personal and professional life, thereby reaching his fullest potential. Becoming a Quantum Activist requires the integration of one’s personal capacities, emotions, intuition, and creativity for personal development and the construction of a new society.

Join Amit Goswami and more than 400 Brazilians who have participated in the course. Join this community of visionaries. Actively participate in this process of the evolution of consciousness.

For more information, please visit:

April 3 -7, 2017

Quantum Activism Teachers Training Course

Sao Roque, Brazil

In this first ever Quantum Activism Teachers Training Course, quantum physicist Dr. Amit Goswami will teach all the subtle aspects of the quantum worldview that one must know in order to become a teacher-activist. Moreover, Dr. Goswami will seek to develop participants’ insight and tools for personal growth with the assistance of noted quantum psychotherapist and author Sunita Pattani and holistic medicine, quantum integrative medicine consultant, Valentina Onisor MD. Finally, Dr. Goswami will assist participants in developing practical strategies to apply the quantum worldview in daily life to build a quantum society.

To learn more, please visit:

- Official website of Center For Quantum Activism (click the link):

Center For Quantum Activism

- Photo credits:

The cover photo is taken from the website of Center For Quantum Activism

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