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The New Age Versus “New Age”

by Crystal - Sunday 9 January 2011 - 2641 letture

by Advaita Mihai Stoian

The New Age Movement Attracts More And More Followers

More and more people today become, without realizing, the adepts of a new religion, concealed behind the generic name of “New Age”. We can easily see an upward orientation of aspiration of humankind towards higher and higher perspectives on life, towards much broader horizons, way beyond the ‘’walls’’ that used to give us the illusion of a safe shelter for our soul during the times of old religious paradigms. This new era, or this New Age, appears in the world more and more visibly nowadays, and its dynamic energies are more and more present in the consciousness of the planet. More and more people today speak about a real elevation of the level of planetary consciousness, and this generates an aspiration in people that otherwise would not have even bothered to read a book or do some morning exercises. Still, there are occult circles that have stubbornly made efforts to take over this free flow of human aspiration toward the heights of the spirit which has appeared in the masses. The purpose of these groups was and still is, to divert this search toward something for which they have already been preparing, namely, the confinement of the human spirit inside a new prison, built on the remains of the old walls – the old religious dogmas.

A Prison Called “New Ageism”

This prison has already been given the name “New Age”. This new label was specifically chosen to suggest something new, and to ensure that the spiritual search which was awakening the interest of the masses for evolution will end in a predictable and perfectly controlled way, precisely within the structure already prepared by these elite groups. In this way, regardless of the intensity of their aspiration, the masses of people, thirsty for authentic spiritual knowledge but blinded by their own ignorance, will end up being content within a paradigm which does not endanger the power of the elitist groups, and will find themselves in a spiritual dead end that has the hypocritical and pompous name of ‘’New Age’’. In the same way, power has been cultivated for thousands of years, through the imposing of an order which places those who have made the plan at the top of the hierarchy. Therefore those who want to keep their power and position aim to define very clearly the direction for the masses to follow, in moments of crisis and inner search. Through this, the elite groups position themselves in the direction in which the masses are moving, thus being able to defend their position of power and leadership, which is their only existential motivation and their supreme aphrodisiac.

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But why have we not seen this gross manipulation? The idea of ruling over the mutinous masses, in such historical moments, through directly opposing them with a wall of resistance has long since been abandoned. History has proven that the force of the unleashed masses cannot be stopped through direct confrontation, just as the force of a torrent cannot be held back by a dam. If, instead, a force is applied to the side of the movement of the flow, it will create a new river bed for the whirling waters and thus it will redirect the streams, eventually bringing them to a turbine which can produce electricity by using this blind force of nature. In the same way, the ruling power does not need to do anything other than build up a new river-bed… and this new spiritual river-bed is the New Age movement that is re directing the search of the masses while making use of their force, in order to accomplish its own goals.

False Gurus Competing to Gain Their Position in the ‘Display Cabinet’

As it is certain that the masses move, and that the present religious paradigm will be washed away by the powerful flood of people in their spiritual search, those who were previously using religion in order to dominate the masses, have been preparing by building a new paradigm that is meant to capture these masses, which are already moving on a “spiritual search”. We are now dealing with a true rush for the spiritual lands of the new age, new false gurus competing to gain a position in the display cabinet of future saints.

In this rush, stalkers await, carefully removing from the rushing streams anything that could hinder their plans. Any authentic spiritual movement is carefully isolated and eliminated as discreetly as possible, so that it does not change the direction of the masses towards the trap that has been set for them with such agility! The biggest scandals that have appeared around authentic Spiritual Masters, especially in the last 100 years, were generated by the purging tendency of the New Age movement, in order to make sure that the ferment of authentic transformation did not impress upon the naive and inquisitive masses. Directing pseudo-spiritual currents is easily done by financially stimulating that which has no value, by promoting in the media all that does not have transformation efficiency, being simply a convincing show of spiritual illusionism.

I have had several direct experiences of this “deviant” mechanism, when it was suggested (by some benevolent people from the new age environment) that I make some ‘’small’’ compromises in order to be immediately promoted as one of the most successful teachers. Moreover, at one point, I was told that ‘’As long as you are with M.I.S.A., with Gregorian Bivolaru (Grieg) and you continue to teach ‘that yoga’, you will not be able to reach anywhere’’.

If I would have stopped presenting the complete system, which I have learned from Gregorian Bivolaru (Grieg) and which has proved to be of exceptional spiritual efficiency, and if I had made a few adjustments in order to make it more “interesting’’, I would have immediately begun to promote myself within “spirituality’s” elite ;) (see about the elites, free masons initiated ones). Of course the very same forces that were directly behind this mechanism were the same forces that later on, have pushed the campaign against our school in Denmark, when I have refused to make any compromises from the authentic spiritual line of the school.

The Masses are Directed by Exploiting Their Weaknesses

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The Messiah’s chair is not yet taken, but I don’t think that we will have to wait too long until the elite come with this, and they will present it the masses, who will then be faced with the fear that ‘The One’ will come”, and catch them unprepared.

We should not be surprised if we will be faced also with a ‘’second coming of Jesus’’, as it was shown in the disclosures of the “Blue Ray” project. In this way, everything is kept under control, all these perennial energies are fully exploited, without allowing for the possibility that a new genuine power and a new order to spontaneously arise, a power that would then threaten the actual power and its process of transition. It is of no coincidence that in this New Age movement we meet so many representatives of the Israeli community. Perhaps because they are more aware of the social values and possibilities of using religion as a factor of mass manipulation, the Israelis (or rather, their leaders) have perceived from the very beginning the fact that the world is undergoing a quick transformation, and that the old paradigms will very soon no longer be available. A part of this process has been speeded up by the trouble introduced in the world through certain occult circles, such as the world-wide freemasons. The ideas promoted by these occult circles have became a social way of transformation, and have led to the appearance and development of a dynamism in the search of the masses… but the victims have failed irredeemably, together with their initial religion.

Thus, this feverish seeking for a new spiritual paradigm appeared. The set up has been already prepared, so that the masses (in increasing numbers), after wandering through the desert for 40 years (symbolically speaking ;) ) enter the establishment that has already prepared for the people thirsty for spiritual knowledge. To make sure they have an advantage over others, they even encouraged their young members (of the elite) to go in this feverish search, being between the best in structuring the New Age trap – the “new religion” of the future.

The New Age Movement… Power Games Smelling of Incense Sticks

We can compare this pseudo-spiritual existence of the “New Age” movement with traps set up by cowboys, in which animals are herded into a field with a fence that transforms into a funnel, that narrows until the hunted animals end up enclosed in a pen. In this analogy, the trap is the New Age movement itself, and the hunters are those few that direct this movement from the shadows, using the power of money and the press to control and to ensure that the herds of seekers are heading straight into the enclosed pen! With this simple and efficient analogy, we can understand how it is possible that just a few people are able to guide such a large number of spiritual seekers.

Obviously, people that are awakened and can therefore perceive this situation, are kept as far away from the ‘’herd’’ as possible, so that they don’t attract people’s attention to the trap that is being prepared and towards which they are inevitably heading.

This is why the hunters are so attentive of those that have discovered their purpose, and make every effort to eliminate these people at all costs. Here one can easily understand the reasons behind the (sometimes) fierce campaign against some of MISA yoga schools world wide.

The New Age movement does not need spirituality, except for the minimal amount necessary to stimulate the crowds who are thirsty for truth. In other words, the New Age movement is just a game of power that smells like incense sticks or perfume. All that is authentic and profound, all that an authentic path of individual freedom is offering, is carefully kept away or reduced to a harmless inefficient quantity. Therefore, we will see in the flocks grazing slowly towards the pen called “New Age”, the few elevated beings that can see a little further, but cannot awaken in those around them more than an aspiration to go further. They are unable to define it in any terms other than those which the shepherds and hunters allow, who know very well where they are heading. By this semi-spirituality these leaders of the trapped crowd are only serving the hunters and therefore they are promoted and used.

The New Age movement can therefore be labeled as extremist. But there can be people who decide to follow a spiritual path, free from compromise (this is one of the most efficient methods to attain spiritual results), or people who speak about God in terms of experience and not as a philosophy.

All these clearly show how (un)spiritual this New Age movement is, and what its true purposes are. As the scale of values is upside-down today, they do not even need to stop people from climbing (in order to make sure that they remain in the ‘’highest’’ position). With a reversed scale of spiritual values, all that remains to be done is to push others with conviction to get on this scale so that they, in reality, go down, while others always have to ensure a ‘’higher’’ position for themselves.

Looking beyond the surface aspects of the New Age movement, one can clearly see this upside-down scale of spiritual values as an instrument for the new orientation, so that people that are kept in ignorance will not have the power to see the reverse and will quickly move up on the promising scale.

Take as an example the movie The Secret, which is nothing else than a model of upside-down spiritual values through which the elite, that decided overnight to become spiritual, puts their propaganda in place. In reality, nothing of any value, spiritually speaking, is offered in this movie, but between the lines they offer an upside-down model of values, that will later serve as directing the masses towards the New Age. The fact that this production received vast funds and rejoiced at unprecedented advertising is significant, while the “Law of Occult Resonance’’ that Gregorian Bivolaru proposed many years ago has been completely ignored by mass-media despite the fact that has been vastly appreciated by all those who came into contact with it.

Another example of the propaganda of upside-down spiritual values (that is worth a whole debate in itself) is the recent movie The Moses Code. Here, the speakers and the directors (mostly Israelis) expose their ideas that are perfectly aligned with the New Age blind lane, and for this they benefited from support and remarkable funds. Therefore, the new era of humanity that comes to life now – not yet defining naturally its directions and limits – is already captured by a surrogate of a spiritual movement, sterile from the point of view of transformative efficiency, that calls itself “New Age”, in order to hide in the middle of a mass of spiritual seekers.

I invite you as much as possible, to unmask this ‘’spiritual’’ farce, together with the agents of the New Age movement. This is the only way in which we can block their actions. By doing so, and in parallel, by practicing an authentic spirituality that leads to clear results, we will be able to remain on the genuine spiritual path and not to reach the dead end of the new religion (from the near future), formed out of the New Age movement.

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