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SERBIA: Live Blog: Serbian Elections 2023

BIRN * Belgrade * BIRN * December 17, 2023 * 15:02

Courtesy of Balkan Insight [website:]

di Emanuele G. - domenica 17 dicembre 2023 - 1305 letture

Stay tuned for all of the latest developments, election results and reactions as Serbian citizens head to the polls to elect a new parliament, an assembly for the province of Vojvodina and a city council for Belgrade.

Less than two years since they last voted in parliamentary and Belgrade city elections, voters in Serbia are again going to the polls on Sunday. Elections will also be held for councils in 64 more cities and towns.

* Around 1.6 million people have the right to vote in Belgrade and 14 lists are on the ballot. Voters will elect 110 councillors to the Belgrade City Assembly, who then elect the mayor.

* The three main opposition blocs are the “Serbia against Violence” coalition, named after the protest wave that followed two mass shootings in May, and two coalitions of right-wing parties.

* Local experts suggest that some of them have a chance to do well in Belgrade and shake up Serbia’s numbed political scene.

* Opposition odds are lower for the parliamentary elections. Some 6.5 million people have the right to vote for the 250 seats in parliament, eighteen lists are running and it is widely foreseen that the Serbian Progressive Party will win most of the seats.

* The regular deadline for local elections in Serbia was spring 2024 and, as the ruling Progressives tend to combine multiple levels of elections, the current government’s mandate was expected to last until then.

* This parliamentary election is the third time that Kosovo Serbs will be casting their votes for a Serbian election. on the territory of Serbia, not in Kosovo.

To read the original news, please click HERE

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