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Quantum Spirituality, The Pursuit of Wholeness: A Workshop by Amit Goswami, PhD and Valentina Onisor, MD

Sponsored by East West Bookshop, Seattle

(This is an ONLINE event — Registration closes 24 hrs prior to the event)

Registration: $30 per session or $55 for both sessions

di Emanuele G. - domenica 14 giugno 2020 - 2762 letture

Part I: Friday, June 19, 2020 | 7:30-9:30 p.m. PDT

Drs. Amit Goswami and Valentina Onisor present Quantum Spirituality, the Pursuit of Wholeness Workshop: Laying Out the Spiritual Path for Modern Professionals and How They May Integrate Thinking, Living, and Livelihood.

Amit and Valentina shall teach the following:

* Thinking Spirituality: How Quantum Physics Integrates Science and Spirituality

* Living Spirituality: How to Achieve a Lifestyle with Quantum Leaps of Experiences and Living with Expanded Consciousness in Between Leaps

* How What the Bhagavad Gita Called “Karma Yoga” Becomes an Easy-to-Explore, Viable, Scientific Method for Synchronizing Thinking, Living, and Livelihood

* An Experiential Session to Give You a Touch of an Expansion of Consciousness that Signifies Spiritual Transformation

Part 2: Saturday, June 20, 2020 | 7:30-9:30 p.m. PDT

Drs. Amit Goswami and Valentina Onisor present Quantum Spirituality, the Pursuit of Wholeness Workshop, Part 2: How to Climb the Quantum Science Ladder of Happiness and Attain Quantum Enlightenment

In this second workshop, Amit and Valentina shall discuss the following:

– The Quantum Science Ladder of Happiness and How to Climb it

– How to Achieve Emotional Intelligence

– Understanding Wholeness, Supra-mental Intelligence and Quantum Enlightenment

– An Experiential Taste of the Practices of Emotional and Supra-mental Intelligence

To register, please visit:

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