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Free Yoga classes on International Yoga Day

Press release of Us Yoga Academy

di Emanuele G. - mercoledì 17 giugno 2020 - 3129 letture

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Dear friends, I invite you all to attend our free live classes on Facebook on Sunday, June 21st, International Yoga Day. I and other teachers of US Yoga Academy will teach a series of 1-hour classes with various subjects: Yoga for Better Sleep, Yoga for Couples, Yoga for Self-Confidence, Vitality, Sexual Regeneration, Mental Focus, and Gratitude. Let’s join our hearts, minds, and energy in unison yoga practice. Let’s celebrate Yoga as an amazing spiritual science and method of personal transformation! Looking forward to meeting you live online on June 21st, at 8 AM Pacific Time.

- For further info please click here

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