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Council of the European Union: Council Conclusions on establishing the EU - Belarus Human Rights Dialogue

Luxembourg, 6 April 2009

by Emanuele G. - Monday 6 April 2009 - 1597 letture

The Council adopted the following conclusions:

1. "The Council recalls its conclusions on Belarus from 16 March 2009, in which the Council looked forward to the launch of a Human Rights Dialogue with the Republic of Belarus.

2. The Council notes that the objectives of the Human Rights dialogue with the Republic of Belarus are on the one hand to raise human rights issues in Belarus and in the European Union and, on the other hand, to discuss questions of mutual interest and enhance dialogue on human rights topics in multilateral fora.

3. The Council decides to launch a structured Troika Human Rights Dialogue with the Republic of Belarus. The dialogue should be held at least once per year, with meetings convened alternately in the Republic of Belarus and in the European Union."

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