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Natha - Turning Black into White and White into Black, a Study of a Truth Activist

by Crystal - Wednesday 3 July 2013 - 2749 letture

This is a documentary about the persecution of the Romanian yoga school MISA / the Danish yoga school Natha. The film offers information about the orchestrated media campaigns, asylum between EU countries and new perspectives on the issue of freedom of conscience in today’s Europe.

Spiritual leaders and movements are still being pursued in Europe today. While politicians, experts and human rights organizations are fighting to stop their persecution, the media plays often actively through its unilateral and demonizing images of the persecuted ones.

"Natha - Turning black into white, white to black" is a critical examination of the role of media in the pursuit of yoga in Europe, a persecution whose waves are also found in the Danish media, due to the two calumnious programs against Natha on TV2 : ’Denmark according to Bubber’ , where subliminal ill messages were intently used. Read more about this here:

The production of this movie was originally started by Pilgrim Films with producer Malla Grapengiesser (Hysteria films - such as producer for "Looking for Sugarman") and then was taken over by the Truth Seminar, which has steadily continued to research on this matter, doing interviews with leading Danish and internationals involved in the case, as it follows.

The Romanian yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru (Grieg) was persecuted in his homeland since communism time and Ceausescu. On lack of accusations and proofs, after repeated threats to his life and calumny, Grieg was accused of leading a paramilitary movement of human trafficking, pornography, sex with minors etc. Since 2005, Grieg has been granted political asylum in Sweden on well grounded security reason.

Joachim Porslund is the ’truth activist’ and facilitator of the Truth Seminar event in Copenhagen. He is also part of yoga Danish school. When Jyllands-Posten in May 2009 and now Bubber on TV2 in May 2013 retrieved their stories from the communist Romanian campaign, he searched throughout history and came with a very interesting synthesis of facts.

The Romanian historian and former dissident Gabriel Andreescu has written two courageous books where he has elucidated the mechanisms behind the persecution of the yoga movement in Romania, as he heads back to the communist security police, Securitate.

Repeatedly, the European parliamentarians and human rights organizations have engaged to stop this persecution, however, it all continued both within the corrupt Romanian legal system and in the media.

The Danish journalist Vibeke Sperling found in her studies how the Secret Services, Securitate, are still infiltrating the media and have orchestrated this media campaign against Grieg and the yoga school.

The Swedish cult expert Karl Erik Nylund has done a report on Grieg and MISA, the yoga school whose mentor he is, for the Swedish Supreme Court, and has found no evidence of any subversive activity or industry trends in this school, and he calls as a priest to the Romanian authorities to stop this persecution.

The Swedish Foreign Ministry is following the case closely and, in its report to the Supreme Court determined that the media interference on the case is part of the orchestrated persecution.

Ulla Sandbaek is a priest and former MEP. She has also for many years engaged to stop the persecution of this yoga school. After a whole life lived as a priest in a church, she has found profound ways to get closer to God and she did it through the teaching she has received in this yoga school.

Former MP and president of psychotherapy association, Erik Smith, has a psychotherapy group where several students and teachers from Natha are undertaking training as psychotherapists. He also speaks openly about the people in this school and about their ridiculided image due to the criticism from the ill intended media.

Joan Ørting is a former student of Natha, which, she believes, presents a unique openness and accessibility field of genuine sexology and tantra in Denmark today.

Willy Fautré, spokesman for International Human Rights Without Frontiers has also been interviewed about his ongoing study on the yoga movement, MISA, and generally regarding human rights and conscience issues in Europe.

Mihai Stoian, teacher in Natha Yoga Center, talks openly about the long time persecution in his native country, Romania and also about the way society was manipulated to perceive suspiciously Grieg’s yogic and tantric methods.

In total, the question is a big WHY. Find out by watching this movie that sheds light upon untold facts by the media.

Read more on Mihai Stoian’s website

Watch the documentary Natha - Turning Black into White and White into Black

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